Well, boker tov al Yisrael. Antisemitism is officially a Bad Thing.
How do we know?
Because the Guardian has dedicated the cover story of G2 to a three page dissection of it by Jonathan Freedland.
Forgive me, Jonathan, but this made me slightly feel like going into a cushioned room and banging my head repeatedly against the wall. I know Jonathan reads the JC, I know Jonathan is a columnist for the JC. So how can it be that with the air of a conjurer bringing a rabbit out of a yarmulke, Jonathan introduces Guardian readers to an apparently box-fresh new set of prejudices which they didn't know about before?
Do me a favour.
It is naive bordering on the impudent for the Guardian to run a piece with no reference to the toxic atmosphere it has helped to create for the Israel-backing Jewish community in the UK. Day after day, week after week, the Guardian has opened its pages and its Comment area on its website to the most poisonous, vitriolic abuse, much barely moderated. But the most Jonathan is able to come up as far as the media is concerned is an attack on an eight-year-old issue of the New Statesman, the notorious "Kosher Conspiracy" cover story. I fully understand that Jonathan is in an invidious position: he can hardly kick his own paper. But I do wonder whether Julian Assange's alleged attacks on the Guardian's editor, Alan Rusbridger, and two of its writers, John Kampfner and David Leigh, may have predicated a wake-up call at the paper's editorial conference.
Meanwhile, in another part of the forest, The Sun has woken up to antisemitism, too. Its features editor, solemnly quoting last year's CST statistics, has invited the Chief Rabbi to write them something. Whether he will accept this gracious invitation is a moot point, at the moment. But the reason The Sun is interested is because hating Jews more than is strictly necessary is now a story about slebs, innit?
Well, now we know. The Guardian's egregious trail on its front page this morning, "Another day, another antisemitic rant from a celebrity", could barely be read in my house for the plethora of pots and kettles cloying my vision.
I prefer the JC's front-page take on the matter: "Even in his bigotry, Galliano was entirely on-trend." Wouldn't do to be unfashionable, would it?
Source: http://www.thejc.com/blogpost/i-have-been-faithful-thee-cynara-my-fashion
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