Monday, March 14, 2011

Scots enjoy lease of Life

A Scottish version of the Jewish Way of Life online teaching resource was officially launched by MSP Stewart Stevenson and Lord Winston at Glasgow's Giffnock Synagogue on Tuesday.

Mr Stevenson, who represents Banff and Buchan for the SNP, stepped in at last minute for indisposed Scottish Secretary for Education and Lifelong Learning Michael Russell.

The adaptation was a collaboration between SCoJeC, the Scottish Council of Jewish Communities, and Learning and Teaching Scotland. It has been funded by the Pears Foundation.

SCoJeC director Ephraim Borowski said the resource was already being widely used in Scottish schools.

"Since we uploaded it onto our website and LTS linked to it from their site, we've had approximately 1,000 hits a month," he said. "Putting it online makes it accessible to all and the feedback has been wonderful."

Children from the Calderwood Lodge Jewish Primary were among school groups at the launch.

Addressing the gathering, Lord Winston recalled how his mother, Ruth Winston-Fox, had a cardboard box of Jewish artifacts in the boot of her car to show to school classes. The contents of that cardboard box were the basis of the original Jewish Way of Life exhibition.


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