Thursday, March 10, 2011

Love of 'mysterious' caving

What do you do for a living? I am a caving instructor and caving equipment retailer for Cave Climb, the business my wife Rachel and I run in Cheddar. We are the most comprehensive service to cavers in the UK. The business covers equipment hire and sales along with introductory caving sessions and advanced tours. I also do training and consultancy.

How long have you been a caving instructor? I've been an instructor for 27 years. I had my first experience of caving as a schoolboy in 1971 when we explored Goatchurch Cavern in the Mendips. After that I was hooked.

What is the appeal of caving? It is the most fascinating, mysterious, beautiful and challenging environment in which you can forge lifelong friendships – and marriages. My wife Rachel is also a caving instructor.

What does a typical day involve? A typical day might involve meeting a group of new cavers at Burrington Combe and taking them to Goatchurch Cavern, my favourite beginners' cave, where I'd give them an introduction to the basic techniques of sliding, scrambling and crawling around a cave. They can experience a bit of a squeeze if they're feeling adventurous. After lunch we'd head off to Swildon's Hole at Priddy to see the power of water in action underground.

Have you always been in this business? No. Fifteen years ago I taught myself to design websites and constructed sites for garage owners who needed to show photos of their cars. Before that I was a darkroom technician in a print works. I have also been possibly the world's worst shop-fitter. I am also a film maker and published author.

Where do you live? We live on Redcliffe Street at the quiet end of Cheddar. I love the fact that we are just a few minutes' walk from the Gorge.

Is there anything you dislike? Cheddar must be the most pedestrian-unfriendly village in the region. The lack of provision for pedestrians here and in the Gorge is appalling. I don't understand why people put up with it.

What do you do in your free time? Our favourite thing at the moment is to do the Via Ferrata in France. This involves climbing with a cable and fixed rungs, which means you can experience the thrill of climbing to immense heights in complete safety. My other hobby is cave digging with the Cheddar Caving Club. We have managed to dig into and explore a 60-metre passage between two caves at Burrington Combe.

Which three Somerset places or events would you recommend to visitors? The event would be Glastonbury Festival; Cheddar Gorge and The Hunter's Lodge at Priddy would be the places.

What are your three favourite places in the world? Cheddar Gorge, Utah and the Alps.

What part of the world would you most like to visit? I'd like to visit Sarawak to see the biggest caves in the world.

What person do you most admire? My wife, Rachel, for putting up with me.

What is your greatest strength and weakness? I am impulsive, which covers both.

When are you happiest? Pulling on my ski boots on the morning of the first day of a week's skiing holiday. Skiing is the perfect compromise between leisure and activity.

If you won the Lottery how would you spend the money? It would be nice to have a second house in the Alps.

True or False? Andy got married in a cave.

See next week's paper to find out whether this is fact or fiction.

In last week's True or False? John Yeo claimed to have been arrested three times, which is false. John has only been arrested twice: the first for photographing a steam locomotive in India; the second was for busking without a permit in Bar Harbor, Maine, USA.


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