My life recently has had no other purpose except for coursework deadlines so my room and sixth form are the only places that I have been. As everyone knows school is about as exciting as watching paint dry (surely that saying is a bit weird, I mean let paint dry in privacy for goodness sake) so this week I shall be telling you about my room.
The teenage bedroom. There are many legends attached to this mythical land, mostly perpetuated by people who have never been to one – which is probably just as well. About the only time anyone apart from the occupant even mentions the teenage bedroom is when it allegedly needs ' tidying up'. So in my quest for journalistic truth I thought I would enlighten you about what a teenage bedroom is really like and how it came to be that way.
There is the stuff you might expect – stereo, CD, cables for things long since disappeared, floordrobe. On my desk just to my right in front of me is a plate with toast crumbs on and an apple core, remnants of a breakfast past; underneath it are three old issues of NME, notes for my English coursework , my capo (for non-musos: a device used to hold all six strings down on a guitar or almost any stringed instrument) and a Specials CD in a Black Sabbath case.
As we continue round on the edge of my desk there is an empty glass on a coaster and an empty mug (one with piano keys on that I got for Crimbo) not on a coaster. Now at a full 90 degree rotation I can see my cupboard door open proudly emblazoned with the sign "Wurzels Reserved" stuck on with gaffer tape (I'm not sure if I have told you this story before but once The Wurzels came to our school, for some reason I can't remember, and the school reserved a parking space for their tractor with a cone and a sign saying "Wurzels Reserved" on it, seeing this and it causing me some great hilarity and I promptly stole it).
Beneath the sign is my electric guitar resting on my amp with a snapped tope string. It has been like that for about two months so I have inadvertently learnt how to play the guitar without a tope.
As I keep on turning I can see my book shelf containing some of the finest literature known to man… old Beano comics. Then in the corner of my room are my two speakers and my little PA that we use for gigs with our band and my cape. Yes I own a cape (I traded it with the drama cupboard at school for a scarf – we all know who got the better deal). Then is my stereo, yes I still have a stereo!
Atop the highest shelf above my stereo lies my hat collection featuring hats from places that I have been, Ireland (leprechaun hat), France (beret), Glastonbury festival (mental motorbike helmet with horns coming out of the side). On my wall 180 degrees behind me is nothing but 50 odd posters that I have torn out of music magazines, a paper hat with the word Noberrrrrrrr written on it, my London tube ticket from the day I went to the London student protests (FIGHT THE POWER) and an American one dollar bill. As I carry round I can see my window which contains the world which I haven't seen for days, then is my acoustic guitar (six strings) and then back to me. Goodbye.
Terrorism policy The US embassy cables Financial sector Cultural trips Sam Allardyce Conservatives
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