Sunday, June 26, 2011

Tom Cull: My favorite memory from Summer Solstice Golf Challenge

Wickliffe resident Tom Cull shares his top memory of pushing a dying cart back to the clubhouse with a fellow player.

cull.jpgView full sizeTom Cull races the severe weather as he takes his golf clubs and pirate flag to his car at Sweetbriar Golf Course in Avon Lake after a long day of golf during The Plain Dealer's Summer Solstice Golf Challenge on June 21.

My favorite memory from the Summer Solstice Golf Challenge is our cart running out of juice one hole away from the clubhouse.

Maureen Fallon Adler and I had speculated that our cart might not make it. We already pushed the cart once when I had foolishly diverted from the cart path and into the muck. When we returned to the cart after putting on the last hole of that nine, the cart was pretty much dead.

It was my 51st hole and the sun was at the treetops. Somehow though, it seemed fitting that we were going to have to push the cart.

As we sat there for a moment gathering ourselves, the song "Sandstorm" started playing on the iPod. The song energized us. We jumped out of the cart determined to get it back to the clubhouse.

Maureen pushed from the passenger side with her left hand on the accelerator and I pushed and steered from the driver's side of the cart. Fatigue and memories of blocking sleds made me laugh.

We could hear the cart's motor whirling as we approached the top of the small rise in the cart path. We were digging like bobsledders with our heads down and feet chopping.

Just over the crest, we jumped back in the cart. We cruised down the hill picking up speed. I pressed the accelerator and the cart responded. Our jump start provided the cart with just enough energy to get us back to the starter's shack and a fresh cart so we could keep going.

Wickliffe resident Tom Cull, 42, is a principal imaging scientist for Alltech Medical Systems.


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