Wednesday, January 4, 2012

A guide for the perplexed

This is for MPs and MEPS, of whatever party, who appear to be intellectually challenged.

1. If someone appears at a celebration, and sits next to you wearing full Nazi uniform, it's time to go home. Do not even think of posing for a picture. You will not look good. Early Day Motions will be tabled.

2. If you even think about making a comparison between the treatment of present-day Palestinians and either Holocaust behaviour or 19th century antisemitism, you need to lie down in a dark room for several days. You will not look good.

3. Do not blog citing Hitler in any way, shape or form. You will not look good.

4. Do not leap to condemn stupidities uttered by the famous if you aren't bothering to condemn blatant antisemitism on your own doorstep. You will not look good.

5. And finally, if you have done any or (horrors) all of the above, consider whether being in the public eye is the right place for you. After all, you want to look good, don't you?


Jonny Wilkinson Sri Lanka Dorset Gordon Brown Rugby league Qatar

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