Saturday, July 9, 2011

Only in America?

A newspaper based in Brooklyn, Di Tzeitung, has done the most extraordinary thing. It has taken the by now iconic photo of the White House situation room in which President Obama and members of his administration watch the capture and killing of Osama bin Laden - and Photoshopped Hillary Clinton out of the picture. Yes, where Hillary was sitting, hand over her mouth as she watched the Navy Seal operation, there is now a large white space.
It's not just Hillary who has been obliterated from history, either. A woman standing at the back of the room, Andrea Thomason of the department of counter terrorism, has similarly disappeared.
What can one make of this extraordinary behaviour? I realise, of course, that the paper is a religious one and has religious sensibilities, but pretending that the US Secretary of State does not exist cannot surely fall into that category. Mrs Clinton was perfectly modestly dressed; certainly her hair was uncovered, but then she is not Jewish, so presumably the obligation does not apply. Does anyone have a serious explanation for this action?

Hat-tip: Failed Messiah


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